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Ice Therapy: Plantar Fasciitis

Frozen Peas Ice Therapy
Keep it SIMPLE!  Frozen peas work better & save money!

Frozen Peas-Plantar Fasciitis Ice Therapy
Small peas conform nicely around heel & into arch of foot.

  1. Purchase "small" frozen peas then place into "freezer" Ziploc.  Mark bag with FOOT! so the family doesn't eat the peas!

  2. Place pea bag on towel to protect floor from moisture then place heel and arch of foot directly on top of frozen peas.

  3. Leave foot on peas for about 20 minutes.

  4. Carefully walk after icing your foot because foot and heel will be stiff and tight.

Exercise Figure Tips: A simple bag of peas works better for most sport/injury ice needs plus it saves you money!  I've tried the fancy ice bags, ice cubes, crushed ice, cold water, etc.  The peas work better!  The small size conforms to body parts better.  Ice cubes can have sharp edges and be painful.  The small peas are round and after a few minutes get soft and squeeze together creating less air space between them putting more cold therapy onto your skin.

  • I always use a freezer-strength Ziploc bags because the original pea bag will end up tearing or breaking.

  • General ice therapy recommendations are usually 20 minutes which is about the length of time the small peas can be effective.

  • Back to Coach RJ's Plantar Fasciitis Section

  • View Frozen Peas for other icing injuries.  (To Be Posted)

Directions: Perform Dynamic Warm-Up exercises at “beginning” of workout for maximum benefit and improvement.
Pick a safe level; never be unsafe or exceed your capacity to “control” your body!

*Note: These exercises are intended for "normal healthy" individuals and many are only intended for competitive athletes. 
If you have an injury, or abnormal pain is present, see your physician or a certified physical therapist before continuing your exercises. 

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(Updated 7.11.07)

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