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 The Blackboard
(March 2004)

 “The Carb Wars--Kill 'Em All!”
By Ron Jones, MS

Bunless Burger
Bunless Burgers--give me a break!
Why worry about a few carb calories when you're stuffing high-fat cheap meat and cheese down your throat!

Okay enough is enough!  Low-carb bread, pasta, and now even low-carb beer and bunless hamburgers! We are totally out of control with the carb wars to the point of being ridiculous!  Americans are always trying to cop out and blame someone or something for jacking up their health when it’s their own faults.  It’s not that carbs are bad or evil in general.  The problem is that we eat too damn much food!  On top of eating too much, we move too little.  Experts say that even if we kept eating the “same types” of food but just in smaller portions that America would significantly reduce their obesity problems.  I don’t care what you eat or how healthy it is—if you eat too much of it you lose balance, variety, and moderation, and it won’t be good!  Are some carbohydrates better than others? Sure.  We do in fact eat way too many of the “simple carbs” such as sugars, snack items, French fries, etc.  Eating more complex carbohydrates like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that are also more nutrient dense are much better, but again, with balance, variety, and moderation in mind.  Cutting nearly all the carbs and eating too much protein is not healthy or wise.  First of all high- protein diets are not something you can live with indefinitely plus they limit too many nutrient dense fruits and vegetables.  Eating a lot of protein is also dehydrating; much of the initial weight loss with high-protein diets is simply dehydration.  In addition, I prefer to have daily bowel movements thank you very much!  If I ate a high-protein diet it would be like sitting on a tube of Superglue!  My God!  We are out of control!  I just heard about a “new diet” on CNN last week to lose weight—the “high carbohydrate” diet!  Stop the madness!  Eat less and move more—that is all.  I know…this is too simple to make money or get in the news but it works!  Try it.  You might even relieve your constipation.  Until next month noble wellness warriors—keep up the good fight, eat right, and be well.

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