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 The Blackboard
(July 2003)

 “Too Much!”
By Ron Jones, MS

Obese American Kid

When is the last time you truly had just “one serving” of meat?  Do you even realize what a true serving size of meat really is?  One serving of meat is only the size of a deck of playing cards.  This equates to about 3.5 ounces.  Most Americans today are bellying up to Biblical proportion steaks that can be 5-6 times a single serving size!  There are many food experts that say it’s not really “what” we are eating but that we are simply “eating too much.”  For example, eating a burger and fries once in a while is not the end of the world, but if you eat huge super-sized burgers and fries numerous times per week then it’s going to be a problem.  A little common sense would go a looong way here! 

Americans have to super size everything—including their butts!  Come on—we have to have bigger cars, bigger clothes, and bigger chairs to fit our super-sized bodies into everything.  Enough!  Being obese is NOT normal and NOT good for our country.  I’m sick and tired of getting a backache in restaurants because I have to lean forward so far to reach the table.  The back of the booth has been moved to China to allow for the enlarged American butt.  Sadly, I’ve seen many people that can’t even squeeze into the booth and have to retreat to the table and chairs where there is more room.  American eating has really changed the last few of decades.  Have you ever thought about plate sizes?  Go to an antique store and check out some plates and dishes from the 1930s.  Old plates are smaller and round.  Some of today’s plates are ovals and more like serving platters!  Why are they oval and not round—MORE FOOD!  (The traditional restaurant plates have been enlarged from 10.5” to 12” and many oval plates far exceed 12”.)

Here’s some interesting, if not appalling, American Food Facts: In 1957 an average fast-food hamburger was 1 oz. (210 calories) and today it is 6 oz. (618 calories).  In 1957 a bag of movie popcorn was 3 cups (170 calories) and today it is 16 cups (900 calories!).  A 1990 Butterfinger was 2.1 oz. (270 calories) and today it is 5 oz. (680 calories).  When foreign foods like bagels or croissants get to America they have to double or triple in size to interest the American consumer.  According to a 2003 article in The Journal of the American Medical Association, “Between 1977 and 1996, food portion sizes increased both inside and outside the home for all categories except pizza.”  So what does all this mean—TOO MUCH FOOD!  Add too much food with too little physical activity and you have a recipe for a health disaster—and there ya go.  Welcome to America—a health disaster in the making.  Do yourself a favor...drop the burger and grab the dog for a walk.  Your butt and the dog will be much happier.  Next month—how about a request?  Send me a topic suggestion or question at  Until next month, stay healthy, and if you’re not, do something about it pronto!

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